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Amidst ongoing legal proceedings, new testimonies have emerged against Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF) and his operations. A former engineer at Alameda Research, the sister hedge fund of FTX, has come forward with revelations of substantial losses in trading funds totaling at least $190 million. Aditya Baradwaj, the individual in question, has provided a detailed account of the events, shedding light on the severe repercussions stemming from inadequate security practices within the company.The collapse of FTX and Alameda Research has attracted substantial attention, with reports highlighting the lack of robust risk management structures at both entities. Bankruptcy lawyer John Ray III described the situation as a “complete failure of corporate controls.”The company engaged in minimal code testing and incomplete balance accounting, only implementing safety checks for trading when necessary. One alarming revelation is the storing of blockchain private keys and exchanging API keys in plaintext within a file accessible to several employees. While this approach allowed for developer velocity, it also exposed the company to frequent security incidents.Baradwaj highlighted several incidents resulting in substantial financial losses. In one incident, an Alameda trader fell victim to a phishing attack during a DeFi transaction, resulting in losses exceeding $100 million. Another incident involved Alameda Research’s participation in yield farming on a questionable blockchain, where the creator held the funds hostage for months, resulting in $40 million in losses. In a third incident, an old version of the plaintext keys file was leaked, leading to an attacker transferring funds and placing fraudulent orders, resulting in $50 million in losses.These incidents are just the tip of the iceberg, as Baradwaj acknowledged the existence of numerous other security breaches predating his tenure at the company. The future relaunch of Alameda Research and FTX will require addressing these revelations and working towards enhancing their security practices to prevent future incidents and regain the trust of clients and stakeholders.Meanwhile, the trial of Sam Bankman-Fried, the former CEO of FTX, is currently underway. Former employees and partners have provided testimonies against him. If convicted, Bankman-Fried could potentially face up to 114 years in federal prison.

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Information Details
Geography North America
Countries 🇺🇸
Sentiment negative
Relevance Score 1
People John Ray III, Aditya Baradwaj, Sam Bankman-Fried
Companies Decentralized Finance (DeFi), FTX, Alameda Research
Currencies None
Securities None

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