using the “hype platform” to carry out transactions. In the future, they will not only be able to buy and sell bitcoin with the help of hype, but also pay for goods or services with it.
Antonio Valitutti, General Manager of Hype, said:
The Italian Banca Sella has set up a service for trading bitcoin in the last few days. The bank is using their “hype platform” for this purpose and sees bitcoin as a secure way to transfer money internationally during the crisis.
The “Hype platform” currently has 1.2 million customers
Currently, around 1.2 million Italians are The market for crypto-currencies, and bitcoin in particular, continues to generate interest, especially among the people who make up our customer base – by definition young and smart, and who increasingly expect to gain access to this world through the tool they use every day to manage money.Italian schools would like to use blockchain to award diplomas Interest in crypto-currencies and especially in the blockchain has been on the rise in Italy in recent months. Blockchain, for example, can be used for the verification of certificates or theses. Two Italian grammar schools announced last week that they will be using a blockchain for their final diplomas. Blockchain useful for fraud prevention in education With the help of the blockchain technology, educational institutions (universities, colleges etc.) can prevent fraud. The University of St. Gallen provides a good example of the use of blockchain in the education sector with regard to fraud prevention. They plan to use the technology to combat forged diplomas. Their blockchain is intended to store elementary information such as data or names in an unalterable form and thus make forgery impossible. Bitcoin donation campaign for the Red Cross A fundraising campaign by the Italian Red Cross has also considered the most popular crypto currency. In order to fight against the ongoing pandemic, the institution has launched a fundraising campaign that will allow it to support the work of the Red Cross through bitcoin. * Originally published in German at CVJ.ch