The Zuger Kantonalbank, a Swiss bank, has announced that it is now offering its customers the ability to buy, trade, and securely store the most popular cryptocurrencies within a fully regulated banking environment. This makes it the first cantonal bank to respond to the changing market demand for digital assets.

Customers can access this new service through the bank’s existing e-banking and mobile banking platforms, eliminating the need for a separate digital key storage solution. Trading is available Monday to Friday from 1:30 am to 10 pm.

CEO Hanspeter Rhyner stated that the bank has partnered with Sygnum, a crypto bank based in Zurich and Singapore, to build an advanced infrastructure that offers investors an additional diversification opportunity. The platform provides access to a wide range of regulated banking services for digital assets, all through a single access point.

Swisscom, a leading Swiss telecommunications provider, supported the Zuger Kantonalbank in the technological development of the platform and infrastructure. The bank plans to expand the range of tradable assets if the new offering proves successful.

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Information Details
Geography Europe
Countries 🇨🇭
Sentiment very positive
Relevance Score 1
People Hanspeter Rhyner
Companies Swisscom, Sygnum, Zuger Kantonalbank, FINMA
Currencies None
Securities None

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