Uniswap “Stimulus Check” for DeFi users

Uniswap, currently the largest decentralized exchange, launched its “UNI” token last week. They celebrated this by granting 400 tokens to each user – nearly 3’000 US dollars for a short period of time. We explain the latest events concerning Uniswap and its competitor, SushiSwap. Decentralized Exchanges (DEX), together with the DeFi space, have recently experienced an incredible […]

Please leave the Corona waiting room – Get out before the digital revolution is over!

Corona has changed the world. Topics like value creation, liquidity and humanity have changed. Karen Wendt and Petra Streit appeal to all managers act more agile and promote a participatory corporate culture. The Corona crisis has unexpectedly hit the majority of Swiss companies. For example, in the five sequels about the digital transformation, Digital Switzerland […]

Aave protocol: An interview with the founder Stani Kulechov

Decentralized Finance (DeFi) is the hot topic of the current crypto scene. We provide a general overview of the lending/borrowing protocol Aave, as well as an interview with the Founder and current CEO Stani Kulechov. Aave (fun fact: the name is taken from the Finnish word for “ghost”) is a decentralized, open-source, and non-custodial protocol for money market […]

Brazil plans to introduce a digital central bank currency in 2022

Roberto Campos Neto, the President of the Central Bank of Brazil, shared the plans regarding digital Central Bank currency (CBDC). A possible starting point is 2022. The Banco Central do Brasil is not the only central bank that currently works on digital currencies. At present, 80% of central banks worldwide research possibilities to implement their […]